Data Structures and Algorithms

EECS 281 Discussion 1

Intro to Makefiles

g++ main.cpp file1.cpp file2.cpp -o main

Why this sucks:

  • Long, prone to errors
  • Not very customizable

Solution: makefile!


Structure of a Makefile

all: data.o io.o main.o
    gcc data.o io.o main.o -o myexecutable
data.o: data.c data.h
    gcc -c data.c
io.o: io.c io.h
    gcc -c io.c
main.o: main.c data.h io.h common.h
    gcc -c main.c
    rm *.o myexecutable

Each line has a target, dependencies, and an action or command.

  • Target: The first word before the colon. When make is called, the make build all is ran. You can type make data.o instead to run the process for data.o.
  • Dependencies: The filenames after the colon, which are the files the command operates on and their dependencies.
  • Command: A command or list of bash commands that are run on the dependency files.

Macros in Makefile

This is what macros look like (note that there is no checking of validity until the commands are run):

OBJECTS = hello.o classname.o
CPPFLAGS = -c -Wall -Wextra -Wvla -pedantic -O3

Object files

  • Pre-compiled – much faster to complie compared to executables
  • If you change one part, you only need to recompile that one part from source.


  • Text-based debugging tool
  • Useful for solving segfaults (program received signal SIGSEGV), or memory issues, e.g., index out of bounces
  • When compiling, add -g to Makefile
  • adds debugging symbols to binary

To start, type gdb <exe_name>.


  • (r)un: start executable
  • (b)reak: sets breakpoints
  • where: prints function line where seg. fault occurred
  • (b)ack(t)race: prints the full chain fo function calls
  • (s)tep: executes current line of the program, enters function calls
  • (n)ext: like step but does not enter functions
  • (c)ontinue: continue to the next breakpoint
  • (p)rint var: prints the value of var
  • watch var: watch a certain variable
  • (l)ist line_num : list source code near line_num
  • kill: terminate the executable
  • quit: quit GDB

Unit Testing

  • Used for testing a program
  • Unit tests because small test in your program that make sure that your decomposable parts are working
  • Include <assert> library
  • assert that something is true, and if it is not true then the code triggers a breakpoint.


class PowerRaiser {
    PowerRaiser( unsigned int _base) : base(_base) {}
    unsigned int getBase() {
    return base};

class PowerRaiserTest{
    runTestGetBase() {
        PowerRaiser p(10);
        assert(p.getBase() == 10);

    runTestRaise() {
        PowerRaiser p(3);
        assert(1 == p.raise(0));
        assert(3 == p.raise(1));

    testAll() {

C++ Input/Output

Class structure:

Class Structure

cin: read from stdin cout: write to stdout cerr: write to stderr ifstream: open files with read permission ofstream: open files with write permission fstream: open files with read and write permission


./path281 < input.txt > output.txt

Instead of reading from cin, path281 executable will now read from input.txt and instead of writing to cout, it will write to output.txt.

Read characters by character

int main() {
    while (cin.get() != -1) {
        char c = cin.get();
        cout << c;

Or, faster:

int main() {
    char c;
    while ((c = cin.get()) != 1) {
        cout << c;

Read line by line

int main() {
    string s;
    while(getline(cin, s)) {
        cout << s << endl;

Printing Line by Line

int main() {
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        cout << i << endl;

This is inefficient, because you have to flush to the buffer every time. When you use a newline instead, then it is universally faster because the system determines when to flush the buffer.

int main() {
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        cout << i << '\n';

Using Internal Buffers

#include <sstream>
int main() {
    ostringstream ss;

    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        ss << i << '\n';

    cout << ss.str();


Motivation: simplifies command line parsing

./exec -a mergesort -V 1.0

In argv, all flags and values are treated the same way.

Instead of coding a way to parse the command line arguments every time, GNU provided a way to do this in a standard way.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int aflag = 0; int bflag = 0;
    char *cvalue = nullptr;
    int index, c;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "abc:")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'a':
                // do something
            case 'b':
                // do something else
            case 'c':
                // do something with the value of c

                // optarg is the value of the argument after
                // the -c flag is used.
                string foo = optarg;


"abc:" means that an argument is required for c.

optarg: global external variable in <stdio.h>, representing the value for the argument, if the variable requires an argument.

./exec -a -b -c foo

Or, alternatively:

./exec -a -c foo -b

If you want two flags to have arguments, use "a:b:c:". This means that you could call the executable like so:

./exec -a hello -b goodbye -c mergesort

The order of the arguments does not matter. This is only if the flag only has one argument. However, there is a way so that you can specify more than one argument for a flag.

Non-optional arguments

Use another external variable in <stdio.h>, the variable optind.

// First non-optional argument
string arg1 = argv[optind];

// Second non-optional argument
string arg2 = argv[optind + 1];

When you call an executable with non-optional arguments, the non-optional arguments are automatically moved to the end of the flag list, and then you can access them by indexing them at the optind + i position.

Verbose arguments

Some options can be verbose:

./exec -h
./exec --help

You have to structure things a bit differently for a verbose option:

struct option {
    const char * name;
    int has_arg;
    int *flag; // set to null all the time
    int *value; // takes the first letter of name and converts it to ascii.